My name is Dian Yuni Wijayanti. I'm a Japanese Literature graduated from BINUS University. I've been chosen Japanese Office streaming and learn about their corporate culture. I've been teaching Japanese for a private lesson and I also joined Japanese Literature Student's Organization (HIMJA) in Creative division. I'm 24



In the future, I want to try becoming a tour guide because I like hangout. I can't say "I like traveling" because I never try it. Hahahaha. I also like culture, historical place, and nature. If I can't be a tour guide, I will become an employee or a Japanese teacher. Many things I want to try in the future, but I think the most I want to try is the three points of that. Wish me luck.

PT Jellyfish Education Indonesia4ヶ月



Teaching Japanese for Indonesian Teaching Bahasa Indonesia for Japanese

Binus University

Japanese Literature

HIMJA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sastra Jepang) BINUS University4年間

Creative Division





Translate document Japanese - English Input data procurement Help HR & GA

SMA Negeri 1 Kota Serang

SMPIT Raudhatul Jannah (Cilegon)
