鈴⽊ 涼介

Freelancer / Full stack DeveloperHong Kong

鈴⽊ 涼介

Freelancer / Full stack Developer

I want to contribute to society through my efforts.

I feel the greatest joy when people become attached to my products. I believe that only when I actively aim for that can I contribute to society.



As an engineer, my most meaningful goal and ambition is to use technology to create positive change and innovation. It would be great if I could develop solutions that would make companies more efficient, improve user experiences, or solve difficult problems. Currently, I want to continue to learn about new technologies and gain the knowl


Full stack Developer現在

- 現在

Currently, I am looking for new challenges to grow up my skills and also new team members to work together.


Full stack Developer


- Built a large social networking site used by over 10 million users monthly using React, Node.js and Golang. The site had to efficiently handle high volumes of user data and real-time updates. - Developed a collaborative document editing platform with real-time commenting


Full stack Developer


- Built an online course portal for one of the largest education companies using Laravel and Vue. It hosts over 10,000 video-based courses on topics from coding to foreign languages. Student engagement and outcomes data is tracked through custom Python scripts.


Frontend Developer


- Designed and developed responsive websites for dozens of small businesses covering a wide range of industries from restaurants to accounting firms. Projects use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with jQuery to create pixel-perfect, cross-browser compatible sites.

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology 5年間

Bachelor's Degree of Computer Science


Focused on Computer Engineering and Computer Science


  • 英語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • 日本語 - ビジネス会話レベル
