
SURE Financial Group / Talent Acquisition


SURE Financial Group / Talent Acquisition

I'm Rebecca and and I work as a Talent Acquisition at SURE Financial Group. Here at SURE Financial Group, we are looking to collaborate with talents to nurture into leader. I work with people of all ages, who are looking for flexible working hours, a mid-career switch and new opportunities. I’d love to know you bett



I want to help others to have work-life balance. I want to be able to help people focus on planning fun activities for themselves, help examine their situation, let them know when to unplug, consider your options, look for ways to manage your time better, and know when to ask for help.

SURE Financial Groupの会社情報

SURE Financial Group1年間

Talent Acquisition現在

- 現在

- Responsible for scouting talents - Design and implement recruiting strategy - Prepare recruitment materials and post job advertisement on different social media platforms

Temasek Polytechnic5年間

Diploma in Digital Forensics


Temasek Polytechnic Dance Ensemble (TPDE) - Choreographed and performed for internal dance production - GEM 12 and GEM 13 - OOMPH! Vol. 3, 4 and 5

Yishun Town Secondary School4年間

'N' Level


Participated in Singapore Youth Festival Performed for yearly school events
